In 1981 three boys fell in love with Steven Speilburg's first installment of the Indiana Jones series so much that they decided remake the film shot for shot. Seven years later they were done. Shot entirely on home video the boys used magazines, articles and saw the film countless times even seeking in a sound recorder all in aid of research. They drew concept drawings, storyboards and made their own props. The dedication that went in to construction of this tribute is astonishing.

When any amateur or fan film is made there will usually be problems, as there is in this. The acting overall is pretty bad, the video being early 80s home video is mostly blurry and the sound at times is unlistenable. The boys however were 12 when began and a lot of the cast were around the same age. But at that age what they have accomplished is inspiring. All of our favourite and most memorable moments have all been faithfully reconstructed. Watch these YouTube clips for just a taster:
Segment on BBC's Talking Movies

The film has had quite the following since its completion getting the big thumbs up from Speilburg himself and the story surrounding the remake is in the works to become a film itself (currently Daniel Clowes is set to write). Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaption is fascinating to watch and is currently only available to watch through bootleg or one of the recent cinema screenings. You can read more about the films production over at TheRaider.net.
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